Milan N Parikh, Erika Rasnick Manning, Liang Niu, Anna Kotsakis Ruehlmann, Alonzo T Folger, Kelly J Brunst, Cole Brokamp. Increasing Temporal Sensitivity of Omics Association Studies with Epigenome-Wide Distributed Lag Models. American Journal of Epidemiology. In Press. 2024.

Clayton Peterson, Marepalli Rao, Anushka Palipana, Erika Rasnick Manning, Andrew Vancil, Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Elizabeth Kramer, Rhonda Szczesniak, Emrah Gecili. Robust Identification of Environmental Exposures and Community Characteristics Predictive of Rapid Lung Disease Progression. Science of the Total Environment. Online. 2024.

Clara G Zundel, Samantha Ely, Cole Brokamp, Jeffrey R Strawn, Tanja Jovanovic, Patrick Ryan, Hilary Marusak. Particulate Matter Exposure and Default Mode Network Equilibrium duing Early Adolescence. Brain Connectivity. Online. 2024.

Jenna N Whitrock, Michela M Carter, Catherine G Pratt, Cole Brokamp, Krysten Harvey, Jianmin Pan, Shesh Rai, Hai Salfity, Sandra L Starnes, Robert M Van Haren. The Role of Environmental Exposures on Survival Following Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Resection. Annals of Thoracic Surgery Short Reports. Online. 2024.

Harsimran Makkad, Amisha Saini, Erika Rasnick Manning, Qing Duan, Stephen Colegate, Cole Brokamp. Racial Fairness of Individual- and Community-Level Proxies of Socioeconomic Status Among Birthing Parent–Child Dyads. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Online. 2024.

Patrick H Ryan, Antonella Zanobetti, Brent A. Coull, Howard Andrews, Leonard B Bacharier, Dakota Bailey, Paloma I. Beamer, Jeff Blossom, Cole Brokamp, Soma Datta, Tina Hartert, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Daniel J Jackson, Christine C Johnson, Christine Joseph, Jorja Kahn, Nathan Lothrop, Margee Louisias, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Fernando D. Martinez, Eneida Mendonça, Rachel L. Miller, Dennis Ownby, Sima Ramratnam, Christine M Seroogy, Cynthia M Visness, Anne L Wright, Edward M. Zoratti, James E. Gern, Diane R. Gold. The Legacy of Redlining: Increasing Childhood Asthma Disparities Through Neighborhood Poverty. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Online. 2024.

Stephen P Colegate, Anushka Palipana, Emrah Gecili, Rhonda D Szczesniak, Cole Brokamp. Evaluating Precision Medicine Tools in Cystic Fibrosis for Racial and Ethnic Fairness. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. In press. 2024.

Andrew F Beck, Tiffany Mattingly, Cole Brokamp, Rashmi Sahay, Erika R Manning, Stuart Taylor, Pierce Kuhnell, Brian Kegley, Kiana Trabue, Peter A Margolis, Robert S Kahn, David M Hartley. The Test and Protect Program: A data-driven, community-engaged approach to COVID-19 testing site localization. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. In press. 2024.

Erika Rasnick Manning, Qing Duan, Stuart Taylor, Sarah Ray, Alexandra MS Corley, Joseph Michael, Ryan Gillette, Ndidi Unaka, David Hartley, Andrew F Beck, Cole Brokamp. Development of a Multimodal Geomarker Pipeline to Assess the Impact of Social, Economic, and Environmental Factors on Pediatric Health Outcomes. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. In press. 2024.

Antonella Zanobetti, Patrick H Ryan, Brent A Coull, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Soma Datta, Jeffrey Blosson, Cole Brokamp, Nathan Lothrop, Rachel L Miller, Paloma I Beamer, Cynthis M Visness, Howard Andrews, Leonard B Bacharier, Tine Hartert, Christine C Johnson, Dennis R Ownby, Gurjit K Khurana Hershey, Christine LM Joseph, Eneida A Mendonca, Daniel J Jackson, Edward M Zoratti, Anne L Wright, Fernando D Martinez, Christine M Seroogy, Sima K Ramratnam, Agustin Calatroni, James E Gern, Diane R Gold. Early-life exposure to air pollution and childhood asthma cumulative incidence in the ECHO CREW consortium. JAMA Network Open. 7(2):e240535. 2024.

Kimberly L Klages, Laura E Schwartz, Endia J Santee Crabtree, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, Christopher E Dandoy, Stella M Davies, Ahna LH Pai. Social determinants of health predict health outcomes following pediatric allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. In Press. 2024.

Cole Brokamp, Margaret N Jones, Qing Duan, Erika Rasnick Manning, Sarah Ray, Alexandra MS Corley, Joseph Michael, Stuart Taylor, Ndidi Unaka, Andrew F Beck. Causal Mediation of Neighborhood-Level Pediatric Hospitalization Inequities. Pediatrics. In Press. 2024.

Patrick Ryan, Chris Wolfe, Allison Parsons, Cole Brokamp, Ashley Turner, Sherrill Ingram, Erin Haynes. Report-Back of Personal Air Sampling Results and Study Participants’ Perceived Knowledge, Attitudes, and Awareness of Air Pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives. 131:11. 2023.

Anushka Palipana, Andrew Vancil, Emrah Gecili, Erika Rasnick, Daniel Ehrlich, Teresa Pestian, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Pedro Afonso, Ruth Keogh, Yizhao Ni, Judith Dexheimer, John Clancy, Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Rhonda Sczcesniak. Social-environmental phenotypes of rapid cystic fibrosis lung disease progression in adolescents and young adults living in the United States. Environmental Advances. 14:100449. 2023.

Julia Smith, Chunyan Liu, Andrew Beck, Lin Fei, Cole Brokamp, Syeda Meryum, Kaitlin G Whaley, Philip Minar, Jennifer Hellmann, Lee A Denson, Peter Margolis, Jasbir Dhaliwal. Racial Disparities in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Care: Differences in Outcomes and Health Service Utilization Between Black and White Children. Journal of Pediatrics. 260:113522. 2023.

Jack Reifenberg, Emrah Gecili, Teresa Pestian, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Patrick H Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Joseph M Collaco, Rhonda D Szczesniak. Lung function and secondhand smoke exposure among children with cystic fibrosis: A Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. S1569-1993(23)00126-1. 2023.

Nidhi Iyanna, Kimberly Yolton, Grace LeMasters, Bruce P Lanphear, Kim M Cecil, Joel Schwartz, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, Yingying Xu, Melinda C. MacDougall, Patrick Ryan. Air Pollution Exposure and Social Responsiveness in Childhood: The Cincinnati Combined Childhood Cohorts. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. In Press. 2023.

Patrick H Ryan, Christopher Wolfe, Allison Parsons, Cole Brokamp, Ashley Turner, Erin Haynes. Participant Engagement to Develop Report-Back Materials for Personal Air Sampling. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. In Press. 2023.

Emrah Gecili, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, Pedro M Afonso, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Judith W Dexheimer, John P Clancy, Ruth H Keogh, Yizhao Ni, Anushka Palipana, Teresa Pestian, Andrew Vancil, Grace Chen Zhou, Weiji Su, Christopher Siracusa, Patrick Ryan, Rhonda D Szczesniak. Built environment factors predictive of early rapid lung function decline in cystic fibrosis. Pediatric Pulmonology. In Press. 2023.

Erika Rasnick, Patrick Ryan, Jeff Blossom, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Nathan Lothrop, Rima Habre, Diane R Gold, Andrew Vancil, Joel Schwartz, James E Gern, Cole Brokamp. High Resolution and Spatiotemporal Place-Based Computable Exposures at Scale. AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings. 2023:62-70. 2023.

Clara Zundel, Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Autumn Heeter, Yaoxian Huang, Jeffrey Strawn, Hilary Marusak. Air Pollution, Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, and Brain Effects: A Systematic Review. NeuroToxicology. In Press. 2022.

Andrew Vancil, Jeffrey R Strawn, Erika Rasnick, Amir Levine, Heidi K Schroeder, Ashley M Specht, Ashley L Turner, Patrick H Ryan, Cole Brokamp. Pediatric Anxiety and Daily Fine Particulate Matter: A Longitudinal Study. Psychiatry Research Communications. In Press. 2022.

Stephen Trinidad, Cole Brokamp, Andres Mor Huertas, Andrew Beck, Carley Riley, Erika Rasnick, Richard Falcone, Meera Kotagal. Use of Area Based Socioeconomic Deprivation Indices: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Analysis. Health Affairs. In Press. 2022.

Milan N. Parikh, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, Lili Ding, Tesfaye B. Mersha, Katherine Bowers, Alonzo T. Folger. Epigenome-Wide Association of Neonatal Methylation and Trimester-Specific Prenatal PM2.5 Exposure. Environmental Epidemiology. In Press. 2022.

Shannon C. Conrey, Allison R. Burrell, Cole Brokamp, Rachel M. Burke, Sarah C. Couch, Liang Niu, Claire P. Mattison, Alexandra Piasecki, Daniel C. Payne, Mary A. Staat, Ardythe L. Morrow. Neighbourhood socio-economic environment predicts adiposity and obesity risk in children under two. Pediatric Obesity. Online. 2022.

Jordan Pennington, Erika Rasnick, Lisa J. Martin, Jocelyn M. Biagini, Tesfaye B. Mersha, Allison Parsons, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp. Racial Fairness in Precision Medicine: Pediatric Asthma Prediction Algorithms. American Journal of Health Promotion. 37(2). 2022.

Esteban Correa, Lili Ding, Andrew F. Beck, Cole Brokamp, Mekibib Altayeb, Robert S. Kahn, Tesfay Mersha. Understanding Racial Disparities in Childhood Asthma Using Individual- and Neighborhood-Level Risk Factors. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. In Press. 2022.

Stephen Trinidad, Cole Brokamp, Rashmi Sahay, Suzanne Moody, Dawne Gardner, Allison A.Parsons, Carley Riley, Nicole Sofer, Andrew F.Beck, Richard A. Falcone Jr., Meera Kotagal. Children from Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Experience Disproportionate Injury from Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Online. 2022.

Anita N. Shah, Erika Rasnick, Mohammad An Bhuiyan, Chris Wolfe, Dianna Bosse, Jeffrey M. Simmons, Samir S. Shah, Cole Brokamp, Andrew F. Beck. Using Geomarkers and Sociodemographics to Inform Assessment of Caregiver Adversity and Resilience. Hospital Pediatrics. 12(8):689-695. 2022.

Ashley Lynn Turner, Cole Brokamp, Chris Wolfe, Tiina Reponen, Kelly J. Brunst, Patrick H. Ryan. Mental and Physical Stress Responses to Personal Ultrafine Particle Exposure in Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In Press. 2022.

Antonella Zanobetti, Patrick H. Ryan, Brent Coull, Cole Brokamp, Soma Datta, Jeffrey Blossom, Nathan Lothrop, Rachel L. Miller, Paloma I. Beamer, Cynthia M. Visness, Howard Andrews, Leonard B. Bacharier, Tina Hartert, Christine C. Johnson, Dennis Ownby, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Christine Joseph, Song Yiqiang, Eneida Mendoza, Daniel J. Jackson, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Edward M. Zoratti, Anne L. Wright, Fernando D. Martinez, Christine M. Seroogy, James E. Gern, Diane R. Gold, for the Children’s Respiratory and Environmental Workgroup (CREW) Consortium. Childhood Asthma Incidence, Early and Persistent Wheeze, and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Factors in the ECHO/CREW Consortium. JAMA Pediatrics. Online. 2022.

Stephen Trinidad, Andrew Vancil, Cole Brokamp, Suzanne Moody, Dawne Gardner, Allison A. Parsons, Carley Riley, Rashmi Sahay, Nicole Sofer, Andrew F. Beck, Richard A. Falcone Jr., Meera Kotagal. Relationships Between Socioeconomic Deprivation and Pediatric Firearm-Related Injury at the Neighborhood Level. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. Online. 2022.

Kim Hartley, Patrick Ryan, Gordon Gillespie, Joseph Perazzo, J. Michael Wright, Glenn Rice, Geoffrey Donovan, Rebecca Gernes, Gurjit Khurana Hershey, Grace LeMasters, Cole Brokamp. Residential Greenness, Asthma, and Lung Function Among Children at High Risk of Allergic Sensitization: A Prospective Cohort Study. Environmental Health. In Press. 2022.

Madhumitaa Roy, Cole Brokamp, Sivaraman Balachandran. Clustering and Regression-Based Analysis of PM2.5 Sensitivity to Meteorology in Cincinnati, Ohio. Atmosphere. 13(4):545. 2022.

Joanna Thomson, Breann Butts, Saige Camara, Erika Rasnick, Cole Brokamp, Caroline Heyd, Rebecca Steuart, Scott Callahan, Stuart Taylor, Andrew Beck. Neighborhood Socioeconomic Deprivation and Health Care Utilization of Medically Complex Children. Pediatrics. e2021052592. 2022.

Cole Brokamp. A High Resolution Spatiotemporal Fine Particulate Matter Exposure Assessment Model for the Contiguous United States. Environmental Advances. 7:100155. 2022.

Ashley Turner, Cole Brokamp, Chris Wolfe, Tiina Reponen, Patrick Ryan. Impact of Personal, Sub-hourly Exposure to Ultrafine Particles on Respiratory Health in Adolescents With Asthma. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Online. 2022.

Lei Liu, Yizhao Ni, Andrew F Beck, Cole Brokamp, Ryan C Ramphul, Linda D Highfield, Megha Karkera Kanjia, J Nick Pratap. Understanding Pediatric Surgery Cancellation: Geospatial Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 23(8):e26231. 2021.

Ashley Turner, Cole Brokamp, Chris Wolfe, Tiina Reponen, Patrick Ryan. Personal exposure to average weekly ultrafine particles, lung function, and respiratory symptoms in asthmatic and non-asthmatic adolescents. Environment International. 156:106740. 2021.

Linnea Lowe, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, Eric S. Hall, Shauna Acquavita. A Geographic Perspective on Opioid Misuse: Substance Abuse Treatment Deserts in Southwestern Ohio. Ohio Journal of Public Health. 4(1). 2021.

Sarah de Loizaga, Lindsay Arthur, Bhawna Arya, Brian Beckman, Wubishet Belay, Cole Brokamp, Nak Hyun Choi, Sean Connolly, Soham Dasgupta, Tavenner Dibert, Marylou Dryer, Lakshmi Gokanapudy Hahn, Elizabeth Greene, Daphney Kernizan, Omar Khalid, Jennifer Klein, Ryan Kobayashi, Subhrajit Lahiri, Raymond Lorenzoni, Jennifer Marshall, Theodore Millette, Lily Moore, Babu Muhamed, Meghna Murali, Andrea Otero Luna, Kinjal Parikh, Amy Sanyahumbi, Divya Shakti, Elizabeth Stein, Sanket Shah, Hannah Wilkins, McAllister Windom, Scott Wirth, Meghan Zimmerman, Andrew Beck, Nicholas Ollberding, Craig Sable, Andrea Beaton. Rheumatic Heart Disease in the United States: Forgotten but not Gone. Results of a 10 Year Multicenter Review. Journal of the American Heart Association. In Press. 2021.

Andrea R. Maxwell, Nana-Hawa Yayah Jones, Stuart Taylor, Sarah D. Corathers, Erika Rasnick, Cole Brokamp, Carley L. Riley, Allison Parsons, Jessica C. Kichler, Andrew F. Beck. Socioeconomic and racial disparities in diabetic ketoacidosis admissions in youth with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Hospital Medicine. In Press. 2021.

Emrah Gecili, Weiji Su, Cole Brokamp, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Francis J LaRosa Iii, Teresa Pestian, John P Clancy, George M Solomon, John J Brewington, Rhonda D Szczesniak. Rapid cystic fibrosis lung-function decline and in-vitro CFTR modulation. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. S1569-1993(21)00111-9. 2021.

Grace Kelly, Jordan Pennington, Yonatan Segev, Cole Brokamp, Margaret N Jones, Saige Camara, Adrienne W Henize, Robert S Kahn, Andrew F Beck. Voter Participation is Associated with Child Health Outcomes at the Population Level. Journal of Pediatrics. In Press. 2021.

Mohammad Bhuiyan, Patrick Ryan, Farzan Oroumyeh, Yajna Jathan, Madhumitaa Roy, Siv Balachandran, Cole Brokamp. Source-specific contributions of particulate matter to asthma-related pediatric emergency department utilization. Health Information Science and Systems. 9(12). 2021.

Erika Rasnick, Patrick H. Ryan, A. John Bailer, Thomas Fisher, Patrick J. Parsons, Kimberly Yolton, Nicholas C. Newman, Bruce P. Lanphear, Cole Brokamp. Identifying Sensitive Windows of Airborne Lead Exposure Associated with Behavioral Outcomes at Age 12. Environmental Epidemiology. 5(2):e144. 2021.

Emrah Gecilia, Anushka Palipana, Cole Brokamp, Rui Huang, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Teresa Pestian, Erika Rasnick, Ruth H. Keogh, Yizhao Ni, John P.Clancy, Patrick Ryan, Rhonda D. Szczesniak. Seasonality, mediation and comparison (SMAC) methods to identify influences on lung function decline. MethodsX. 8:101313. 2021.

Emrah Gecili, Cole Brokamp, Anushka Palipana, Rui Huang, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Teresa Pestian, Erika Rasnick, Ruth H.Keoghe, Yizhao Ni, John P.Clancy, Patrick Ryan, Rhonda D.Szczesniak. Seasonal variation of lung function in cystic fibrosis: longitudinal modeling to compare a Midwest US cohort to international populations. Science of the Total Environment. Online. 2020.

Patrick H. Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Jeff Blossom, Nathan Lothrop, Rachel L. Miller, Paloma I. Beamer, Cynthia M. Visness, Antonella Zanobetti, Howard Andrews, Leonard B. Bacharier, Tina Hartert, Christine C. Johnson, Dennis Ownby, Robert F. Lemanske Jr., Heike Gibson, Weeberb Requia, Brent Coull, Edward M. Zoratti, Anne L. Wright, Fernando D. Martinez, Christine M. Seroogy, James E. Gern, Diane R. Gold, on behalf of the CREW Consortium. A Distributed Geospatial Approach to Describe Community Characteristics for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 5:e86, 1-8. 2021.

Christopher Wolfe, Teresa Pestian, Emrah Gecili, Weiji Su, Ruth H. Keogh, John P. Pestian, Michael Seid, Peter J. Diggle, Assem Ziady, John P. Clancy, Daniel H. Grossoehme, Rhonda D. Szczesniak, Cole Brokamp. Cystic Fibrosis Point of Personalized Detection (CFPOPD): An Interactive Web Application. JMIR Med Inform. 8(12):e23530. 2020.

Kim Hartley, Joseph Perazzo, Cole Brokamp, Gordon Lee Gillespie, Kim M. Cecil, Grace LeMasters, Kimberly Yolton, Patrick Ryan. Residential Surrounding Greenness and Self-Reported Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents. Environmental Research. 194:110628. 2020.

Todd A Florin, Lilliam Ambroggio, Cole Brokamp, Yin Zhang, Eric S Nylen, Mantosh Rattan, Eric Crotty, Michael A Belsky, Sara Krueger, Thomas N Epperson, Andrea Kachelmeyer, Richard M Ruddy, Samir S Shah. Proadrenomedullin Predicts Severe Disease in Children with Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clinical Infectious Diseases. ciaa1138. 2020.

Sharad I. Wadhwani, Cole Brokamp, Erika Rasnick, John C. Bucuvalas, Jennifer C. Lai, Andrew F. Beck. Neighborhood Socioeconomic Deprivation, Racial Segregation, and Organ Donation Across 5 States. American Journal of Transplantation. Online. 2020.

Jaron Arbet, Cole Brokamp, Jareen Meinzen-Derr, Katy E. Trinkley, Heidi M Spratt. Lessons and Tips for Designing a Machine Learning Study Using EHR Data. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. Online. 2020.

Todd Florin, Lilliam Ambroggio, Cole Brokamp, Yin Zhang, Mantosh Rattan, Eric Crotty, Michael A Belsky, Sara Krueger, Thomas N Epperson, Andrea Kachelmeyer, Richard Ruddy, Samir S Shaw. Biomarkers and Disease Severity in Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. Online. 2020.

Rhonda Szczesniak, Jessica L. Rice, Cole Brokamp, Patrick Ryan, Teresa Pestian, Yizhao Ni, Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou, Ruth H. Keogh, Emrah Gecili, Rui Huang, John P. Clancy, Joseph M. Collaco. Influences of Environmental Exposures On Individuals Living with Cystic Fibrosis. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. Online. 2020.

Zana Percy, Cole Brokamp, Jennifer M McAllister, Patrick Ryan, Scott L Wexelblatt, Eric Hall. Subclinical and Overt Newborn Opioid Exposure: Prevalence and First Year Healthcare Utilization. Journal of Pediatrics. Online. 2020.

Sharad Wadhwani, John Bucuvalas, Cole Brokamp, Ravinder Anand, Ashutosh Gupta, Stuart Taylor, Eyal Shemesh, Andrew Beck. Association Between Neighborhood-level Socioeconomic Deprivation and the Medication Level Variability Index for Children Following Liver Transplantation. Transplantation. Online. 2020.

Kim Hartley, Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Gordon L. Gillespie. Effect of greenness on asthma in children: A systematic review. Public Health Nursing. 37(3). 453-460. 2020.

Robert M. Rossi, Chris Wolfe, Cole Brokamp, Jennifer M. McAllister, Scott Wexelblatt, Carri R. Warshak, Eric S. Hall. Reported Prevalence of Maternal Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the United States. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 135. 1-10. 2020.

Rhonda D. Szczesniak, Weiji Su, Cole Brokamp, Ruth H. Keogh, John P. Pestian, Michael Seid, Peter J. Diggle, John P. Clancy. Dynamic Predictive Probabilities to Monitor Rapid Cystic Fibrosis Disease Progression. Statistics in Medicine. 39. 740-756. 2020.

Sarah Orkin, Cole Brokamp, Toshifumi Yodoshi, Andrew T. Trout, Chunyan Liu, Syeda Meryum, Stuart Taylor, Christopher Wolfe, Rachel Sheridan, Aradhna Seth, Mohammad Alfrad Nobel Bhuiyan, Sanita Ley, Ana Catalina Arce-Clachar, Kristin Bramlage, Robert Kahn, Stavra Xanthakos, Andrew F. Beck, Marialena Mouzaki. Community Socioeconomic Deprivation and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Severity. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. . 2019.

Cole Brokamp, Jeffrey R. Strawn, Andrew F. Beck, Pat Ryan. Pediatric Psychiatric Emergency Department Utilization and Fine Particulate Matter: A Case-Crossover Study. Environmental Health Perspectives. 127(9). 2019.

Erica Andrist, Cole Brokamp, Stuart Taylor, Carley Riley, Andrew Beck. Neighborhood Poverty and Pediatric Intensive Care Use. Pediatrics. . 2019.

Cole Brokamp, Eric B. Brandt, Patrick H. Ryan. Assessing Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollution for Epidemiological Studies: Model-based and Personal Sampling Strategies. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. . 2019.

Lilliam Ambroggio, Cole Brokamp, Rachel Mantyla, Brad DePaoli, Richard Ruddy, Samir Shah, Todd Florin. Validation of the British Thoracic Society Severity Criteria for Pediatric Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal. . 2019.

Rebecca Gernes, Cole Brokamp, Glenn Rice, J. Michael Wright, Michelle Kondo, Yvonne Michael, Geoffrey Donovan, Demetrios Gatziolis, David Bernstein, Grace LeMasters, James Lockey, G. Khurana Hershey, Patrick Ryan. Using high-resolution residential greenspace measures in an urban environment to assess risks of allergy outcomes in a cohort of children. Science of the Total Environment. 668. 2019.

Cole Brokamp, Andrew F. Beck, Neera K. Goyal, Patrick Ryan, James M. Greenberg, Eric S. Hall. Material Community Deprivation and Hospital Utilization During the First Year of Life: An Urban Population-Based Cohort Study. Annals of Epidemiology. 30. 2019.

Juliana Madzia, Patrick Ryan, Kimberly Yolton, Zana Percy, Nick Newman, Grace LeMasters, Cole Brokamp. Residential Greenspace Is Associated with Childhood Behavioral Outcomes. Journal of Pediatrics. . 2018.

Cole Brokamp. DeGAUSS: Decentralized Geomarker Assessment for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of Open Source Software. Online. 2018.

Rhonda D. Szczesniak, Cole Brokamp, Weiji Su, Gary L. McPhail, John Pestian, John P. Clancy. Improving Detection of Rapid Cystic Fibrosis Disease Progression—Early Translation of a Predictive Algorithm into a Point-of-Care Tool. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. 7(1); 1-8. 2019.

Lauren C. Riney, Cole Brokamp, Andrew F. Beck, Wendy Pomerantz, Hamilton Schwartz, Todd A. Florin. Emergency Medical Services Utilization is Associated with Community Deprivation in Children. Prehospital Emergency Care. Online. 2018.

Cole Brokamp, Roman Jandarov, Monir Hossain, Patrick Ryan. Predicting Daily Urban Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations Using Random Forest. Environmental Science & Technology. 52 (7); 4173-4179. 2018.

Andrew F. Beck, Carley L. Riley, Stuart Taylor, Cole Brokamp, Robert S. Kahn. Toward a Culture of Health in Hospitals: Pervasive population disparities in inpatient bed-day rates across conditions and subspecialties. Health Affairs. 37(4); 551-559. 2018.

Todd A. Florin, Cole Brokamp, Rachel Mantyla, Bradley DePaoli, Richard Ruddy, Samir S. Shah, Lilliam Ambroggio. Validation of the IDSA/PIDS Severity Criteria in Children with Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Clinical Infectious Diseases. ciy031; 1-29. 2018.

Rhonda Szczesniak, Cole Brokamp, Weiji Su, Gary L. McPhail, John Pestian, John P. Clancy. Early Detection of Rapid Cystic Fibrosis Disease Progression Tailored to Point of Care: A Proof-of-Principle Study. Healthcare Innovations and Point of Care Technologies. (HI-POCT), 2017 IEEE; 204-207. 2017.

Cole Brokamp, MB Rao, Patrick Ryan, Roman Jandarov. A comparison of resampling and recursive partitioning methods in random forest for estimating the asymptotic variance using the infinitesimal jackknife. Stat. 6(1); 360-372. 2017.

Cole Brokamp, Chris Wolfe, Todd Lingren, John Harley, Patrick Ryan. Decentralized and Reproducible Geocoding and Characterization of Community and Environmental Exposures for Multi-Site Studies. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association. 25(3); 309-314. 2017.

Rhonda D. Szczesniak, Dan Li, Weiji Su, Cole Brokamp, John Pestian, Michael Seid, John P. Clancy. Phenotypes of Rapid Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease Progression during Adolescence and Young Adulthood. American Journal of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine. 196(4); 471-478. 2017.

Todd Florin, Lilliam Ambroggio, Cole Brokamp, Mantosh S. Rattan, Eric J. Crotty, Andrea Kachelmeyer, Richard M. Ruddy, Samir Shah. Reliability of Examination Findings in Suspected Community-Acquired Pneumonia. Pediatrics. 140(3); e20170310. 2017.

Cole Brokamp, Andrew F. Beck, Louis Muglia, Patrick Ryan. Combined Sewer Overflow Events and Childhood Emergency Department Visits: A Case-Crossover Study. Science of the Total Environment. 607-608; 1180-1187. 2017.

Patrick Ryan, James E. Lockey, Brad Black, Carol H. Rice, Jeff Burkle, Tim Hilbert, Linda Levin, Cole Brokamp, Roy McKay, Ted Larson, Grace K. LeMasters. Childhood exposure to libby amphibole asbestos and respiratory symptoms in young adulthood. Environmental Research. 158; 470-479. 2017.

Lusine Yaghjyan, R Aroa, Cole Brokamp, E O’Meara, B Sprague, G Ghita, Patrick Ryan. Association of air pollution with mammographic breast density in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. Breast Cancer Research. 19(36); 1-10. 2017.

Cole Brokamp, Roman Jandarov, MB Rao, Grace LeMasters, Patrick Ryan. Exposure assessment models for elemental components of particulate matter in an urban environment: A comparison of regression and random forest approaches. Atmospheric Environment. 151; 1-11. 2017.

Hong Ji, Jocelyn M Biagini Myers, Eric B Brandt, Cole Brokamp, Patrick H Ryan, Gurjit K Khurana Hershey. Air pollution, epigenetics, and asthma. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology. 12(1); 51. 2016.

Jennifer Kannan, Cole Brokamp, David I. Bernstein, Grace K. LeMasters, Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey, Manuel Villareal, James E. Lockey, Patrick Ryan. Parental Snoring and Environmental Pollutants, but Not Aeroallergen Sensitization, Are Associated with Childhood Snoring in a Birth Cohort. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. . 2016.

Cole Brokamp, Grace LeMasters, Patrick Ryan. Residential mobility impacts exposure assessment and community socioeconomic characteristics in longitudinal epidemiology studies. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 26(4); 428-34. 2016.

Kanistha C. Coombs, Ginger L. Chew, Christopher Schaffer, Patrick H. Ryan, Cole Brokamp, Sergey A. Grinshpun, Gary Adamkiewicz, Steve Chillrude, Curtis Hedman, Meryl Colton, Jamie Ross, Tiina Reponen. Indoor air quality in green-renovated vs. non-green low-income homes of children living in a temperate region of US (Ohio). Science of The Total Environment. 554-555; 178-185. 2016.

Patrick Ryan, Cole Brokamp, ZH Fan, MB Rao. Analysis of personal and home characteristics associated with the elemental composition of PM2.5 in indoor, outdoor, and personal air in the RIOPA study. Health Effects Institute Research Reports. Report 185. 2015.

Kelly J Brunst, Patrick H Ryan, Cole Brokamp, David Bernstein, Tiina Reponen, James Lockey, Gurjit K Khurana Hershey, Linda Levin, Sergey A Grinshpun, Grace LeMasters. Timing and duration of traffic-related air pollution exposure and the risk for childhood wheeze and asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 192(4); 421-427. 2015.

Patrick H Ryan, Sang Young Son, Christopher Wolfe, James Lockey, Cole Brokamp, Grace LeMasters. A field application of a personal sensor for ultrafine particle exposure in children. Science of The Total Environment. 508; 366-373. 2015.

Cole Brokamp, MB Rao, Tina Zhihua Fan, Patrick H Ryan. Does the elemental composition of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 accurately represent the elemental composition of personal PM2.5?. Atmospheric Environment. 101; 226-234. 2015.

Cole Brokamp, Jacob Todd, Carlo Montemagno, David Wendell. Electrophysiology of single and aggregate Cx43 hemichannels. PLoS ONE. 7(10);e47775. 2012.

Sheryl E Koch, Xiaoqian Gao, Lauren Haar, Min Jiang, Valerie M Lasko, Nathan Robbins, Wenfeng Cai, Cole Brokamp, Priyanka Varma, Michael Tranter, Yong Liu, Xiaoping Ren, John N. Lorenz, Hong-Sheng Wang, W Keith Jones, Jack Rubinstein. Probenecid: novel use as a non-injurious positive inotrope acting via cardiac TRPV2 stimulation. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 53(1); 134-144. 2012.

Michael Tranter, Robert N Helsley, Waltke R Paulding, Michael McGuinness, Cole Brokamp, Lauren Haar, Yong Liu, Xiaoping Ren, W Keith Jones. Coordinated post-transcriptional regulation of HSP70. 3 gene expression by microRNA and alternative polyadenylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286(34); 29828-29837. 2011.